Its no longer in the pipeline or in your dreams,time has finally come for the era of hydrogen cars.The pride of introducing the first hydrogen car goes to HONDA, who have achieved a feat and have laid the foundation for many more .Basically hydrogen cars makes use of liquid hydrogen or compressed hydrogen.Liquid hydrogen is highly inflammable and its security is critical hydrogen cars provide for a cheep,clean modes of transport.
Next big thing here is the introduction of hydrogen peroxide which have so far been used in bleaching teeth and have been primarily used in war heads and submarines may soon be finding their way into our combustion engines .H2O2 is a zero percent emission fuel and can greatly reduce the carbon foot print caused by all of us daily.the emission that can come from it are heat,Oxygen and steam which provides for a non-polluting emissions.China has developed the first hydrogen peroxide using vehicle.the greatest advantage of hydrogen peroxide is that as it exists in liquid form and poses no storage and transportation problems.its time that the automobile industry understands its potential and pave the road ahead for the future vehicles so its going to be use H2O2 the way forwaed
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